Meet Tania

I have worked for over 22 years as a speech and language therapist and I really love what I do!
As a mother of four I know how hard parenting can be, especially when you are worried about your child's development. I have helped hundreds of children struggling with speech, language and communication, and it is a real privilege to work with them and see their progress. I get so much satisfaction from seeing the positive difference I can make to my clients and their families. It's a really rewarding job.
I graduated in 2002 from De Montfort University in Leicester and have extensive experience working as a therapist with individual clients, schools and charities across Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and the Midlands. I specialise in autism, special educational needs and learning disabilities, but I can help with all sorts of speech, language and communications needs, which are listed below.
Who I can help
I have experience in supporting both children and adults with a range of communication difficulties such as:
Autism (including PDA/PDD-pervasive developmental avoidance or disorder
Social communication difficulties including anxiety around social interaction
Downs Syndrome
Delayed and disordered speech
Developmental and delayed language (DDL)
Specific Language Impairment (SLI) - difficulties correctly using sentences and grammar
Oral dyspraxia
Selective mutism
Behavioural difficulties
Learning disabilities
- General learning difficulties
- Complex needs (i.e. more than one area of need)
- Auditory Processing Disorder (struggling to process the words that we hear)
Auditory memory/word finding difficulties (difficulty remembering the words we hear or trying to find the right words to use)
Training & Memberships
BSc. Hons Human Communication, De Montfort University, Leicester 2002
Member of the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (MRCSLT)
Member of the Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (MASLTIP)
Registered with the Health Care and Professions Council (HCPC)
Fully DBS checked (Disclosure and Barring Service)
Registered with the ICO for General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Registered with Vitality Healthcare
I have trained in and have extensive working knowledge of the following:
ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised)
ADOS 2 (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)
AAC (augmentative alternative communication)- this includes support systems such as use of symbols (low technology supports) and some high technology aids.
TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autism and related Communication-impaired Children)
Colourful Semantics
Shape Coding
SCERTs (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Supports)
Sensory Processing Difficulties
Social Thinking (Michelle Garcia Winner)
Intensive Interaction
Social Stories and Comic Strip Conversations (Carol Grey)
I am committed to ongoing professional development.