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Who I can help

You may know exactly what your child needs help with, or you might just feel they are struggling to speak or communicate clearly.  Whatever your concerns, I have experience with all sorts of speech and language difficulties, and can provide you with a plan of action.


I can help children and young adults who may have (or show signs of) the following:


  • Autism including PDA/PDD-pervasive developmental avoidance or disorder

  • Downs Syndrome

  • Social communication difficulties including anxiety around social interaction

  • ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactive Disorder

  • Delayed and disordered speech

  • Developmental and delayed language (DDL)/Specific Language Impairment (SLI) - difficulty correctly using sentences and grammar

  • Oral dyspraxia difficulty planning and coordinating the movement of muscles (eg tongue, lips, jaw, palate) to produce the right speech sounds or words.

  • Selective mutism when a child chooses not to talk in certain social situations (eg playgroup or school)

  • Behavioural difficulties

  • Learning disabilities

  • General learning difficulties
  • Complex needs (i.e. more than one area of need)
  • Auditory Processing Disorder (struggling to process the words that we hear)
  • Auditory memory/word-finding difficulties (difficulty remembering the words we hear or trying to find the right words to use)


© 2019 Tania Richards

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