Who I can help
You may know exactly what your child needs help with, or you might just feel they are struggling to speak or communicate clearly. Whatever your concerns, I have experience with all sorts of speech and language difficulties, and can provide you with a plan of action.
I can help children and young adults who may have (or show signs of) the following:
Autism including PDA/PDD-pervasive developmental avoidance or disorder
Downs Syndrome
Social communication difficulties including anxiety around social interaction
ADHD Attention Deficit & Hyperactive Disorder
Developmental and delayed language (DDL)/Specific Language Impairment (SLI) - difficulty correctly using sentences and grammar
Oral dyspraxia difficulty planning and coordinating the movement of muscles (eg tongue, lips, jaw, palate) to produce the right speech sounds or words.
Selective mutism when a child chooses not to talk in certain social situations (eg playgroup or school)
Behavioural difficulties
Learning disabilities
- General learning difficulties
- Complex needs (i.e. more than one area of need)
- Auditory Processing Disorder (struggling to process the words that we hear)
Auditory memory/word-finding difficulties (difficulty remembering the words we hear or trying to find the right words to use)